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Selling Instore

Selling with us is a quick and easy process! Come in store with the items you'd like to sell, we'll evaluate their value, throw you an offer in cash or store credit based off market value, and that's it! Obviously there's more to it, but that's the gist.









All bulk MUST be sorted and separated by the above listed categories for us to take it. We will deny any unsorted bulk. Rates are subject to change. Table space is available in store for sorting unless an event requires maximum table space.

Other items:

Depending on your items, you can expect an offer around 50% cash, and 60% store credit based on what you have for us. Offers vary item to item based on several factors, going up or down on the percentage*


Items we're interested in but not limited to are as follow:

Card Games (MTG, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, etc.)

Video Games (Cartridge Based and Nintendo branded handhelds preferred.)

Hand held Video Game Consoles (Steps to insure a console was or was not stolen will be enforced)

Select Collectibles (Statues, Figures, etc.)

Contact us or visit in store to find out what else we can take in.


All transactions over $100 require an ID or Drivers License. All transactions are recorded and put into our records. We have the right to refuse any and all items much like we have the right to refuse service. Any suspicious items or items that can be proven or are under suspicion of being stolen will be confiscated until proven otherwise and reported to the local Police.

TCG Bulk Rates:

Pokemon:                                                                                           Yu-Gi-Oh:

  Common/Uncommon: .002                                                               Foils: .005  

                                                  Reverse/Rare/Holo: .004                                                                              

                                                  V/GX/EX: .10

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